Laboratory of Development


Our understanding of rhythm shapes the true quality of our experience where each action can find its internal correlate. Without this our life is simply a participation in some process. Therefore, until you reach a sufficient level of development in your actions, you will simply be a participant in a number of uncontrollable events and you will find yourself burdened by your own life. Which is why establishing a correlation between the external and the internal processes is an important condition for personal realization.

This is the issue most difficult to understand for those who live according to the principles of associative thinking, because they cannot understand through association the meaning of correlations. Until you established certain habits and the knowledge necessary for particular efforts towards yourself, the adequateness in understanding the above cannot appear by itself. Naturally, people who are not used to living according to principles and even concepts, cannot adequately appreciate the importance of rhythm. Which is why here we need to simply fix this stage and postpone its understanding until the time when you will be able to actually understand its true essence.

Learning about the rhythm, which can help us live a conscious life, leads also to more than the simple awareness of ourselves, it leads to a new depth that appears along with the ability to experience the state of different rhythms. We often introduce our Self in our understanding of different actions and life events, without actually realizing that this is in fact an expression of our internal or external rhythm.

Reality ‘in itself’ can be seen and understood only by those who have already built their rhythm – the internal mechanism of actions, which has achieved a certain constancy. The ability to live in accordance with this necessary rhythm is the most important factor of development since it helps transfer your life from the external aspect of living to the internal life.

We must develop our ability to maintain the process of internal transformation, since this is the condition for achieving a natural development and existence. It’s the only factor that helps man grow. In order to reach this maximum naturalness that many want to possess, we must work earnestly and study rhythm and the order of this work.

The art of study

The art of studying here lies in understanding rhythm and being able to concentrate on it. In order to achieve this, we will have to, above all, teach our body and mind to fill with the appropriate sounds.

Conditions of study

The conditions for studying rhythm have two major aspects: correlates of the external and the internal rhythm.

The state of irreversibility

The state of irreversibility arises from constant living in the rhythm of internal transformations. It helps build one’s natural development and existence.



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