Laboratory of Development


The formation of the axis is a prerequisite for developing the naturalness of a general personal approach to each action not only from the perspective of knowledge but also in correspondence with the internal state (from the perspective of harmony).

A necessary condition for the formation of the axis is the presence of a correct energy circulation within the body that helps generate energy and control the energy processes in the body on a level, which allows for the improvement of the internal potential of the body. Therefore, when the energy circulation is not well-built, one rather consumes energy and does not develop it.

The level here depends on the quality of the established habits related to filling. The mere ability to control the processes of your actions is insufficient, you must understand the principles and laws that help build the correct functioning of the body, energy and the mind. You must eliminate the energy blocks and be careful not to get involved in processes that lead to the disruption of the energy functions of the bodily meridians. Therefore in this case we need to know and actually understand the properties of the body from the perspective of energy capacity.

We must also understand that when talking about the axis we are referring to the orientation (mental axis), the overall circulation of the energy (energy axis) and the internal correlation (the physical axis). Let’s examine the first two aspects in detail.

The mental axis:

  • a personal understanding of one’s qualities;
  • the ability to ask yourself the right questions in relation to the concept of man’s energetic culture;
  • studying the experience of other people and communicating with people who have already exerted certain efforts with the goal of understanding the above mentioned;
  • reading literature that helps examine the issue from various aspects;
  • visiting lectures and seminars, where you can ask questions and find the answers you are looking for;
  • opportunity to consult someone about issues that are not quite clear;
  • spending well the time that is defined as professional (working time);
  • spending well the time that is defined as free.

The formation of the mental axis is based on the correspondence of your actions with your tasks. You must clearly understand the characteristic features of the methods for presenting the studied matter and not perceive each matter partially, often isolating yourself from all other necessary volume. You must be aware that in the initial phase, when the skill or art of studying is not yet well-developed, you might want to find the method that suits you best.

This might lead to a ‘know-all’ standpoint when in fact no knowledge is at hand – this is the, so to speak, trap of the studying process, where instead of examining the matter from various different perspectives, people acquire the ‘I know’ attitude. This in fact leads to the appearance of blocks in one’s perception. Whereas knowledge must lead to the right circulation of the energetic experiencing of the process.

Energetic axis

For most people the concepts related to energy are somewhere on the plane of associative links (who said what on the topic, what is the attitude of those around, the imagery and inaccuracy of the information provided, lack of concentration in the realization of the abilities of the perceptions, etc.). This will only lead to an even greater misunderstanding of the issue and will make room for speculations not only for those who are part of it but also for the ones who have no idea what’s going on.

Before we try to provide any definition for the energetic processes, we should above all understand their laws. What is more, every normal reasonable person who has some power and intends to become a man of action, should depart from such forms of perception of energy like aura, the evil eye, bewitching, demons, etc. All these surrogate concepts are meant for feeble, weak-willed people, who are incapable of posing a literate question, let alone find its answer.

In fact, one can get involved in the processes of energetic development only after forming a reasonable and balanced approach to the topic. The individual approach in this case helps the person form an individual effort, which can later serve as an internal support in the development process; it also provides maximum adequacy in the evaluation of the issues that are most difficult to perceive.

We must understand that without the establishment of the energy circulation within the body (which is achieved through a number of different efforts), no real development is achievable. In this state, man finds himself unable to control the energy processes occurring in his body, and in case there are blockades on the physiological or mental level, the situation may deteriorate and lead to problems related to certain diseases.

Understanding the purposes of the necessary practices and what we need to work on in relation to the internal energetic processes helps avoid unnecessary actions. We get the opportunity to go through the inevitable stage of regulating the energy processes within the body with maximum haste and in the best possible manner and to then provide ourselves with the opportunity for subsequent internal strengthening.

The art of study

In this case the art of studying involves the understanding of the axis as a means for developing our naturalness. In other words we are talking of a naturalness, which has its own physiological and energetic indicators.

Conditions of study

The studying conditions suggest accepting the task of forming the axis not simply on the level of the mind but also on the level of physical perception. This guarantees a different quality of awareness of bodily life, a different volume and a different experience, linked namely to the concept of the axis.

The state of irreversibility

The state of irreversibility in the tasks related to the building of the axis is a permanent state of internal effort, which balances out our mind, our body and our energy, where the axis is physically perceptible through the format of our bodily state.

Instruments of study

Practices related to the formation of the axis (Sufi yoga, Bagua Zhang).



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