Online Workshop “The School of Oracle”

Date: 06/04/2020 — 18/04/2020
Address: online

What is an Oracle?

An oracle is a person who performs simultaneously different mental functions: focusing, deeper level operation of consciousness, and divination. All at the same time. The oracle, first of all, is a specific state of consciousness, and then a presentation of the abilities. The status of an oracle is determined by two requirements: tuning and the power of his consciousness.

In ancient times, an oracle status could refer to the quality of a person or a place, representing a higher level of spiritual power. An oracle could be the place of origin or illumination of consciousness. Usually, it is a cave or object that intensifies the spiritual energies of a person.

The oracle combines many principles in itself: divination broadcaster, psychic, medium, a fortuneteller. Although the role of an oracle is strongly associated with prediction, it is more interesting to discover the principle behind the oracle’s performance. The main secret here is a specific operating system of his consciousness and his brain.

It is important to notice that being an oracle implies a state of consciousness, which is not divided into the concepts of male and female. Though in its essence it has a female principle of absorbing channeled information.The knowledge of the oracle system represents a form of higher mathematics, like Japanese sangaku tablets with drawings for geometric theorems or the Yoruba Ori forces, Scandinavian runes or tarot cards.

Prerequisite for participation

  • Subscription to the Telegram channel Alchemy is recommended for tuning to the program.
  • Please note, that you will need to prepare for the session following items:
  • Notebook, pens, colored pencils, compass, straightedge or ruler, other stationery for drawing.


11:30—13:00 (MSK)*
On 12 April (Sunday) there is no lecture!


Click on [+] to see descriptions of the entire program.



Cybele (Sibyl) is a representative of the ancient oracle system. It materializes a matrix consisted of 12 levels based on the ecstasy of both the prediction and the predictor. The oracle system of Cybele is embodied by twelve Sibyls.

Delphic Oracle)

The Oracle of Delphi is a classic, canonical representative of oracle art. The distinctiveness of prophecy here that it does not depend on the fact that someone on earth wants to know something, but on the sky, which was transcending information in Delphi. This information should be unpacked by the Delphi oracle. Delphi is prophetic place, a meeting of three oracles, represented by Pythia who embodied a combination of the energy of the dragon Python and the revelations from Apollo.


The Oracle of Virgil

The peculiarity of the oracle art of Virgil is disclosure of the irrational side of human nature. Divination is an example of such irrationality, the mechanism of which we do not fully understand. The irrationality of thinking here is confronted with the impossibility of rational comprehension. This principle prevailed till now, focusing on fortune-telling instead of fine-tuned prophecies in oracle practices.Here is an important point: if someone wants to learn the oracle system in-depth, he'd need to rationalize it.


The Hermetic Oracle

The hermetic oracle is a process of rationalization of prophecies. In this oracle's system, we encounter methods of measuring space, method of prediction, measure and measurement of prediction, which can be described by the concept of compass and straightedge. This is an important oracle tradition that has evolved throughout human history from ancient Egypt until the formation of Tarot cards.


Yi Jing Oracle

Yi-Jing is based on a cosmic ritual and depends on the quality and measurement of the inner harmony of a predictor, which creates difficulties in the knowledge of this art nowadays. But an understanding of these difficulties is at the same time a possibility for growth and development of the oracle consciousness.

Yi-Jing Oracle is, first of all, a manual compiled by the legendary ancient oracle Fu Xi, and the oracle turtle, whose shell patterns, consisting of eight trigrams, formed the basis of the Yi-Jing system. Another oracle, Wen Wang (文王), expanded it further into a system that consists of sixty-four hexagrams.

The Oracle of Dodona

An important form of the ancient art of divination connects us with the oracle of the sanctuary in Dodon (Greece). It combined the concepts of shamanism, natural philosophy, magic, fortune-telling, lots, and at the same time was based on an understanding of the properties of space, where we live.

This was a druidic oracle system, associated with the understanding of seemingly random natural phenomena, which in druidic culture can be sacred trees, flying birds, the state of organs, the nature of the falling stones (which later embodied the practice of throwing bones).

The Nechung Oracle

The Nechung Oracle, or the tantric oracle, is a Tibetan form of oracle art. In Tibet, it is believed that the oracle has a connection with the mysterious force Pe, which influences certain part of the brain called the Cones of the Old Willow. The main task of this oracle system, which came from the ancient pre-Buddhist Bon tradition, is to point and direct. In other words, the Tibetan oracle does not explain but teaches to materialize tasks and solutions.


Orphic Oracle

The Orphic Oracle is the most complex form of oracle art, which is extremely important for maintaining a priestly consciousness. The Orphic oracle system is based on the ability to perceive the sound of the ether, on the ability to hear and interpret it correctly.



The runic oracle system is the most important format for the development of the brain's operating system, which allows not only guessing and predicting, but also forming the inner power for prediction. This system is the key to understanding many divination systems and prophesies.



Ori is the oracle system of Yoruba. Orisha Orunmila in the Yoruba tradition represents the personal consciousness of Ori which communicates with Ile-Ife, or the world axis. Main interest here is the nature of an oracle, who is sending his consciousness on a journey or interaction with the forces of space, or Orishas.



The Tarot card system combines many aspects of oracle art, where it is especially worth highlighting the visualization process during divination. Metaphorical Tarot cards have a structure of meanings that are interpreted through the ability of the oracle to decipher them or ability to guess by the fortuneteller.


The Egyptian Oracle

The art of the Egyptian oracle is based on the interpretation interaction of the soul Ba with the soul of Ka. This oracle art is based on a specific state of consciousness, which didn't care about prediction but was transmitting the truth.


Daily program

Click on [+] to see program descriptions by day.


6 April

Developing the brain as an operating system

During introductory lecture we will earn about what is operating system of the brain and why it is a fundamental concept if we would like to dive deeper into the topic of oracle art.

In our daily life, the human brain has many limitations, which we can overcome through practice. Advancing our abilities to manage consciously brain activity, we'll grasp the idea of human existence which is not known to many.

The oracle is the highest system, among known to humanity, of  mastering irrational knowledge. However, this system can be comprehended by a rational approach while diving into the depth of the brain's capability.

Knowledge about the brain and its potential is the highest form of intelligence for humans, and at the same time, it is a distinctive form of experiencing the essence of things.

During 12 days of The School of Oracle program, we will go through and learn in detail the structure, functionality and potential capabilities of our brain.


7 April

Oracle System of Sybil (Cybele)

Cybele embodies an ancient oracle system, and at the same time, this system represents a methodical approach to oracle art. Perhaps, you should begin to study oracle mastery from this system to gain a complete picture.

The Oracle system of Cybele is represented by twelve Sibyls forming a matrix of twelve-layers. In the base of this matrix lies intense feeling of the ecstatic nature of the prediction and the predictor himself.

The possession of a prophetic gift and its development, an extraordinary capacity of our brain - all these topics can be explained by the Oracle system of Cybele. The main idea is how to master both the rational and the irrational nature of your brain.

The program discusses the schemes of operating one's brain and gives a general picture of the brain’s operating systems that the oracle operates on.


8 April

The Oracle of Delphi. At the foot of Mount Parnassus

The Oracle of Delphi is a classic, canonical representative of oracle art. The distinctiveness of prophecy here that it does not depend on the fact that someone on earth wants to know something, but on the sky, which was transcending information in Delphi. This information should be unpacked by the Oracle of Delphi. The Mount Parnassus in Delphi is a prophetic place, a meeting of three oracles, represented by Pythia as she embodied and combined the energy of the dragon Python and the prophecies from Apollo.

From the Oracle of Delphi we can learn about the art of withdrawing for the practical realization of prophecy, as it forms the basis of the oracle consciousness. For this, it is important to create an effort in the brain. What helps to create proper effort in our brain –is a tool or an instrument that tunes us and our consciousness to the frequency of harmony. In other words, an oracle learns to operate his consciousness in a way how he would play the sacred instrument of cithara. Knowing how to play the strings of the brain is an important part of preparing for the oracle path.


9 April

Irrationality of thought and rational obstruction

Virgil symbolizes the inaccessibility of rational understanding of the irrational quality of human nature. During the workshop, we will talk about Virgil, who introduced fortune-telling into oracle art. His revelations were influenced by the duality nature of the human psyche. Irrational fortune-telling principle steers consciousness to a state of anticipation, substituting the operational process.

Emphasis on irrationality began to develop in the oracle art as opposed to divination which requires a well-functioned brain's operating system.

When our brain is fixed on signs hoping to find guidance, it means that we want a quick answer, without understanding the deep-rooted reasons behind it.

But why then Virgil's citations were labeled as prophecy? We are talking here about the oracle, who was conditioned by the process of divination. On the one hand, the prophetic characteristics of Virgil, and on the other, being addicted to a desire for prophesying. When oracle is craving to receive a prophecy, we call him Oracle of Virgil (Sortes Vergilianae).


10 April

Mental Orientation

A Hermetic Oracle is an alchemical scheme of divination. In its essence, it represents the highest form  of oracle art. The oracle can bypass the lower forms of consciousness while training himself in recognition of delusions. He is paving his road daily, laying a stone a day. He knows that road is made by walking: walking makes the road.

A hermetic oracle is a combination of gnosis and magic, where all predictions are rationalized. Learning about Hermetic oracle art requires strengthening and development efforts in the brain in order to find the right measurement for your thoughts, actions and intention. The metric system of hermetic system of divination includes a method of prediction and the measurement of the divination, which can be generalized by a single concept of “compass and straightedge”.

Hermetic oracle art developed throughout human history, starting from the mysteries of ancient Egypt and leading to the creation of Tarot cards.

The Oracle art of Hermes is a personification of the process of thinking. This is, if you want, the art of giving guidance, where allegorical interpretations being forms for purification of our spirit.

Hermetic divination is an initiation by Logos. This is a labyrinth, the aim of which is to get out of delusion. It reveals the degree of chaos in our consciousness.

To consider this method of divination as a treasure, as sacred gift, is an important condition for tuning to it. A secret knowledge is a focus point here. Therefore, the Hermetic oracle art restricts access to its knowledge by reverting it into symbolic form.

11 April

Duality of antagonism

The structure of the Houses of Consciousness forms space which is represented macro cosmically in the brain. Initiating these Houses means igniting the activation and communication with higher forms of consciousness in our brain. Activation is a sacred marriage or a process of immersion which is governed by harmony and macrocosmic rhythm, initiating operating system of higher forms of consciousness or Yi Jing, alchemical system. The Yi Jing system concerns three forms of energy of our three-dimensional space and consists of 64 hexagrams.

The materialization of consciousness happens during the most important ritual of activation described by temporal (animals in Chinese calendar) or timeless (28 constellations) laws. This ritual forms bipolar ontogenesis, where we have a dragon and a turtle. The consciousness of an oracle represents energy of Fu Xi dragon. Another element of the rituals is a turtle, with eight trigrams on the carapace and serves as the oracle basis for Yi Jing.

Working with Yi Jing we’ll become oracles van Wen Wang (文王) or those who knows the magic of circle in a square or square in a circle, expanding capabilities to 64 hexagrams or 32 rotations of the lower Dan Tian.

Tracing the history of the tradition fortunetelling with bones, tortoise shells and shoulder blades of animals, it’s not difficult to see the symbolism of a trigram describing the formation of bone marrow. Which brings us to the idea of materialization of consciousness and to an understanding of how we can revert the temporal laws, creating an eternal field of energy.

13 April

The Dodona Sanctuary

The Dodona Sanctuary is a timeless concept of the female oracle principle. Its essence is to conceive and procreate consciousness; it is the womb of an oracle. It includes rational and irrational forms such as shamanism, natural philosophy, magic, fortune-telling, fate. An oracle explores fields of consciousness, expressed through different forms: a sacred tree, the rustling of leaves, the flight of a bird, the fall of a pebble, the murmur of a spring, the ringing of a copper bell.

The Dodona Sanctuary formed the name of the female goddess even before the understanding of this goddess arose. A name, vibration of its sound, is the only thing that can withstand changes of temporary forms.

The vibration of sound allows to penetrate into  our consciousness but also can limit us. Therefore, we need to remember to purify our consciousness through bathing it in the spring of The Dodona sanctuary. In the end, what is important is the fertility of consciousness and its sacredness which described by the parthenogenesis or virgin awareness of an oracle.

14 April

Tantric Consciousness

In oracle mastery, it is important to understand the state of consciousness. This state is based on the sufficiency of energy. But if the brain receives energy too much, then it becomes obsessed with the resonance of the ecstatic force of Pe. This force regulates a specific part of the brain resembling the bump of old Willow.

Cognition of the tantric consciousness provides us with immense potential and unlimited growth, not only in terms of capabilities of the brain but also through experiences that do not belong to the nature of the human body. Tantric consciousness can be described as the consciousness of immortals, those who "dwells in the heavens of Tushita." Tantric consciousness forms the all-embracing nature of Mahapurushu, who is immersed in a state of boddhi. It is a state of awakening when we perceive twelve types of ignorance and addictions of our awareness.

The difficulty of tantric consciousness is that it requires constant control. Otherwise, we just flip into a state of enlightenment and cease to fulfill the duty of oracle.

It is certainly difficult to explain this type of consciousness - it is important to work directly with it and grasp it through personal experience. But without specifying or mentioning about it, we’ll limit ourselves in terms of knowing higher realms.

15 April

Materialised Ether

Perception of the sound of ether, its potential, or vibrational frequency is the essence of the Orphic oracle. Being able to experience subtle sound requires the advancement of the ability to hear, perceive and interpret this vibration. It is like we enter and immerse into the sacred space of ether where day and night are equal in their virtues. Each word has a frequency, amount of light, vibration, and by naming something we concentrate and embrace its essence in that name.  Interestingly is that the vibration of sound in the space of Chaos, Kronos or Ether perceived and interpreted differently.

Naming something or initiating with word ignites a process of transmutation. Transformation and cognition of the visible happen when completeness or temporality destroyed by timelessness (or titans) and the process of rebirth is inaugurated. The use of the sound in the initiation process means that previous, old versions, had died or could die.

The sound is important for us to penetrate it, to become initiated by it. A purified word is like grounding into a pure vibration. But who can be initiated by a word? Is it still possible today to materialized the sound of ether? What are the laws governing the formation of sound?

Learning to work with sound requires the ability to refrain from just saying to express it reactively. Abstinence from the word is no less intriguing concept than, say, abstinence from food. The word generated by the desire to speak and the word generated by the opportunity to speak signifies two different words. The art of producing conscious sounds is a unique ability nowadays. We should not speak so that our words fall into the mud.

What should be a word to pronounce it with considerable respect? It is important that it does not immoral us and does not take the form of gross superstition, which allows you to cover gullibility and ignorance, exploiting and manipulating the consciousness. If we want to bring something closer to ourselves, then we should learn to turn away an unnecessary from us, since it is followed by the energy that created that unneeded.

Pay attention to the spell of excessive words that you unconsciously say in overflow as you might enchant yourself by it. And if we do not understand the laws of word formation, we cannot reach higher powers to fulfill our desires, because in this case, the sound of our consciousness won't be able to reach them.

16 April

Ring of the Nibelungs

The Ring of the Nibelung is a system of sacred Germanic geometry, represented by runes. Runic art requires materialization of the inner power of prediction and that is why it lays foundation for many fortune-telling systems and predictions. Runes is established by three axes: the axis of Tyr, Odin and Thor, whose hammer represents the inner strength of oracle.

Runes combines opposites of rational and irrational states of the consciousness combination of sequential and parallel ways of thinking.

Dealing with runes is like experiencing the world from a parallel space, so we should be hung, like Odin, to be able to see sequential (temporal) space from parallel (eternal). Therefore, Runic oracle art requires a developed brain’s operating system, where a column (sacred tree) of Irminsul symbolizes its sacred geometry. Occult vision of Runic oracle revolves not around the mundane, but heavenly realms.

Divinatory power of runes expressed through nine rings of the Nibelung. All of them were sources for obtaining runes. As before the revelation of a rune it must be discovered.

The nine rings of the Nibelung are the nine nights that Odin spent on Irminsul, replacing earthly food with honey of poetry. When working with runes, it is important to be able to refrain from food and drink to increase the flow of divine poems during divination.The peculiarity of the runic system lies in its initial unity, where the opposite complements each other, and three planes combined in one. Divination with runes requires maintaining harmony while being in a fierce state of excitement.

17 April

Absolute and True One

Ori represents Yoruba oracle system. Ori lives in the human mind but does not belong to it, having own purpose and existence in a form of medium. This is a sacred essence of consciousness and expresses the highest state of development of human nature.

In the Yoruba oracle system, a medium is sending his consciousness to travel and communicate with the forces of space, Orishas. Only the consciousness of Ori is capable of achieving resonance with all Odus’,  highest forms of consciousness, which are presented in the form of one or another Orisha. Ori in a form of Orunmila communicates with Ile-Ife or the world axis.

Ori is an expression of consciousness does not attain a state of completeness as it serves as a reflection of the evolving essence of a person. Therefore, it is measured by the amount of light. Ori exists beyond the reach of the lower forms of awareness. This inaccessibility has become an object of worship, as it is perceived as having the highest consciousness, which is viewed as Orisha.


Whole program (12 days) 9000
One day 1000
  • The prices are indicated in Russian Rubles.

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Oleg Cherne (Gleb Du)

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