
Development is a process related to the expansion of the conscious effort, which is linked to the ability or inability not only to be on the Way of knowledge but also to operate with knowledge. Development can be considered such only if the person has already mastered the algorhythm of perfection, which is not simply an effect of development but also a factor for it. Having a conscious control of the process guarantees the perfection not only of the process itself, but also of the mind.

Institute for The Development of Man

The RebootResearcher

Rebooting in the context of Man’s development refers to the ability to reformat one’s resources. However as opposed to Man’s restoration to a certain functional condition, rebooting is related to reorientation, and reevaluation, a situation where Man’s qualities must be not so much reinforced but rather rectified.


Development SchemeResearcher

Development should always follow a scheme. The perfection of the scheme depends on our ability to combine it. The ability to combine the scheme is obtained with the help of the Method. The scheme lets Man forsake his chaotic existence caused by various disruptions in the formation of the conscious, physical or energetic effort.
