The teacher and the student. A private opinion on a general questionPerson

This topic is, I’d say, more important for me (as well as for those who teach others) than for you. Having written an article entitled "The teacher and the student", where, first of all, I demonstrated the conditions which characterize the relationship of the teacher and the student, and having received many questions related to this article, I decided to continue the topic. And since the questions were addressed mainly to me personally, I will actually continue to speculate on this topic from the perspective of my own experience.

Institute for The Development of Man

The Way of WomenPerson

The question of understanding or defining the idea that forms a kind of consequential understanding of women from the perspective of their development or life, can not be declarative by nature, or, indeed, purely argumentative by nature for two fundamental reasons. Because the main problem when we consider the question of women lies, first of all, in the emotional perception, and secondly - in the ad-hoc behavior of society towards women.



Pseudo freedom is the exchange of one space where the person has not managed to find realization for another. People who have not learned how or are incapable of strengthening or immersing themselves into something, sooner or later get tired of this, they get tired of the space they cannot find realization in or cannot correspond to. Of course we can exist in such a space for a rather long time and we can also help the space distract us from ourselves.


Brainless means unfocusedPerson

Unless our mind is focused, we cannot develop our body symmetrically since the energy is not distributed evenly. The focus of the consciousness is determined either by its total suspension or the development of an interlocking effort. In fact – although this may sound a bit offensive for the ones who work on developing their brain – in terms of energetic indicators, for the body the state of not-thinking is equivalent to the state of thinking. In other words, ‘Brainless’ is either the person who has not learned how to think normally or the person who is being distracted from the state of not-thinking by certain thoughts.


Celtic AlchemyResearcher

One of the basic principles of alchemy as a science is to collect, unite and connect all the parts of a universal knowledge. The heritage of the Celts is exceptionally valuable in this regard, since it reveals the value of the systematic knowledge of alchemy as a global, unifying and synthesizing science that collects and creates something new. Celtic Alchemy is a phenomenon that exceeds cultural boundaries, it brings together the religious, educational, historical and cultural heritage of many peoples. The Celts created a unique approach to understanding the world based on the principle of acting.

Code de Vino

Mutants of Today and How to Fight ThemPerson

In the new millennium the theme about the mutants became fashionable as never before - any “film-horror story” cannot do without them, they are used for making gaudy the titles of the most variable publications from scientific journals to daily newspapers, they have even penetrated into the language. However, we can't say that the mass and even elite culture shows some serious interest in the problem of the uncontrolled metamorphosis of Man and all living beings... What are the dangers of such carelessness? What spirit can expect us in a genetically unhealthy body?


The story of one bottle: San Pedro de Yacochuya 2006Researcher

The best wine should always be a model of aesthetics, which means – a work of art. “Wine is for enjoyment. If wine does not give pleasure, then why do it? “– Certainly this was the principle that guided Arnaldo Etchart, who in collaboration with the great enologist Michel Rolland created the masterpiece of Argentine wine-making – “San Pedro de Yacochuya” wine.

Code de Vino

Ancient Thrace – the homeland of wine cultureResearcher

What to start with the knowing of wine? If we try to answer this question, then we'll get into the context of a specific culture, where the unknown is a lot and there are both rational and irrational approaches – to the knowledge about it. Initially wine had been a mystery and the journey into the world of wine would be appropriate to begin with the mysterious ancient Thrace.

Code de Vino

Moko maoriResearcher

For some people, the tattoo is an ornament, for others, a symbol carrying information about the man's life. For the Maori, who are living in the southern part of Oceania, the tattoos are a way of communication with the world. This element of the Maori culture is not applicable or decorative, but fundamental.


African YogaExplorer

African yoga is the art of transforming by working with your body work in various rhythms. This practice helps cultivate one’s movements and sensational fulfillment with the help of rhythm. Africans know since ancient times that understanding the link between rhythm and movement helps one achieve deep internal transformations. They believe that dance is key for shaping one’s power and one’s relation to the Ashé, the energy that fills the entire universe.

Африканское тело

What is good and what is badPerson

How can we answer these seemingly ordinary questions that our children ask if we realize we have, in fact, no clear answer for ourselves? How can we teach our children to think independently, and not mislead them with some clichés and formulaic replies? How can we communicate well and build a good relationship with our children so as to help them avoid making the mistakes we have made? How can we teach our children not to judge yet still be able to distinguish clearly light and healthy from dark and sick?


The Healthy Lifestyle MythPerson

Thoughtless lifestyle destroys us every day. We fall victims to information technology and loose connection to our true selves. I wish readers would stop and think about their own attitude towards living a healthy lifestyle. This concept is formed through a number of products presented in the form of gymnastics, fitness, eating habits, different types of yoga and sports. Yet does it really help us preserve our health? Or is healthy lifestyle a kind of a very lucrative PR product?


Sacred DancePhilosopher

It doesn't take so much for the dance to be born – just a sound and a response of the body to it. It may be the rumble of the African drums, or the rain, hitting the pavement, or it may even be the heartbeat. Nature has endowed each Man with certain rhythms that ask a question, and certain movements that give the answer to it. Their coincidence creates the dance - the dialogue between the body and music, the dialogue between Man and himself or another person, the dialogue with God or the Universe.


Hawaiian alchemyResearcher

The Hawaiian alchemy is the embodiment of the secrets of the North-Polynesian culture. This is its top, because on the territories of the Hawaiian Islands are the most active mountain volcanoes in the world. The erupting lava from them did not only create the islands, but also became the basis of the fiery culture of Hawaii.


The Pulse of LifeExplorer

Do you love jazz? Or may be the place of honour among the discs on your shelf is occupied by a Bob Marley compilation of albums or a collection of soul-blues? Does your son, coming back from school, play rap in his room, and your daughter is interested in dancing and in the weekends disappears to salsa parties...? Sometimes we do not even notice how the culture of another continent, at first look strange and unknown, enters into our home, our life and becomes a part of us. However strange it  may appear - it is only at first glance.
