Integral mathematicsResearcher

Integral mathematics is a type of a configuration that allows us to develop the energy of the brain by means of numerical signs - the numbers.

It is a measurement system that allows us to operate with the mass, system and language of numbers. Integral mathematics is a type of a hidden cone which sets the direction of the calculus; it is a unique tissue of knowledge, which allows us to operate with atemproal indicators.

Integral alchemy

The Secret Code of Mary MagdaleneResearcher

This article is based on what I heard from someone I will name the Witness. He asked me to write down and pass on his message. I delayed this for a long time since I did not consider it necessary until I started describing and explaining the significance of the ritual and the Astral temple.


Measure of TransformationResearcher

The connection with power is a particular characteristic of effort which determines the laws of resonation. By knowing and expressing such laws, Man is able not only to integrate himself into space, but also control it.


Hair decorationResearcher

The decoration of hear is a question of femininity. It is a matter of internal discipline, so necessary and useful for women. The hear decoration is the woman's attitude towards herself and her self-positioning in space. But mostly, it is the physiological and energetic action, which actually represents and forms the woman's mentality.


The Measure of Alchemy. Celtic Alchemy or the Art of coordinating the Six RaysResearcher

One of the basic principles of alchemy as a science is to collect, unite and connect all the parts of a universal knowledge. In this regard the heritage of the Celts is exceptionally valuable, since it demonstrates before the world the value of the systematic knowledge of alchemy as a global, unifying and synthesizing science, that collects and creates something new. Celtic Alchemy is a phenomenon that exceeds cultural boundaries, it brings together the religious, educational, historical and cultural heritage of many peoples


The Measure of Secret DoctrineResearcher

Where is the power here, where is the ego and where is god? Measure conceals the conditions for studying, the conditions for being and above all the conditions for self-development in being. Measure must teach man to detach himself from the incomprehensible, where the comprehensible is not what we perceive as familiar and what we agree with (or not) but rather what we put our efforts into.



Development is a process related to the expansion of the conscious effort, which is linked to the ability or inability not only to be on the Way of knowledge but also to operate with knowledge. Development can be considered such only if the person has already mastered the algorhythm of perfection, which is not simply an effect of development but also a factor for it. Having a conscious control of the process guarantees the perfection not only of the process itself, but also of the mind.

Institute for The Development of Man

The RebootResearcher

Rebooting in the context of Man’s development refers to the ability to reformat one’s resources. However as opposed to Man’s restoration to a certain functional condition, rebooting is related to reorientation, and reevaluation, a situation where Man’s qualities must be not so much reinforced but rather rectified.


Development SchemeResearcher

Development should always follow a scheme. The perfection of the scheme depends on our ability to combine it. The ability to combine the scheme is obtained with the help of the Method. The scheme lets Man forsake his chaotic existence caused by various disruptions in the formation of the conscious, physical or energetic effort.


Celtic AlchemyResearcher

One of the basic principles of alchemy as a science is to collect, unite and connect all the parts of a universal knowledge. The heritage of the Celts is exceptionally valuable in this regard, since it reveals the value of the systematic knowledge of alchemy as a global, unifying and synthesizing science that collects and creates something new. Celtic Alchemy is a phenomenon that exceeds cultural boundaries, it brings together the religious, educational, historical and cultural heritage of many peoples. The Celts created a unique approach to understanding the world based on the principle of acting.

Code de Vino

The story of one bottle: San Pedro de Yacochuya 2006Researcher

The best wine should always be a model of aesthetics, which means – a work of art. “Wine is for enjoyment. If wine does not give pleasure, then why do it? “– Certainly this was the principle that guided Arnaldo Etchart, who in collaboration with the great enologist Michel Rolland created the masterpiece of Argentine wine-making – “San Pedro de Yacochuya” wine.

Code de Vino

Ancient Thrace – the homeland of wine cultureResearcher

What to start with the knowing of wine? If we try to answer this question, then we'll get into the context of a specific culture, where the unknown is a lot and there are both rational and irrational approaches – to the knowledge about it. Initially wine had been a mystery and the journey into the world of wine would be appropriate to begin with the mysterious ancient Thrace.

Code de Vino

A Meeting with Michel RollandResearcher

For already 30 years I've been studying the ancient civilizations and as an archaeologist I've been unearthing the greats. Mr. Rolland is such a remarkable find that not a single researcher could remain indifferent to it. Our meeting was specifically timed to coincide with the full moon, the Day of St. Martin, so that the special days were combined with a special person.

Code de Vino

Culture of Water ConsumptionResearcher

Our molecular basis is water. There is not even one system of the body that doesn't depend on it, because we consist almost entirely of water. On the quality of the aquatic environment in our body depend all the biochemical processes, the human reaction to the world around us and, finally, the time of our lives. Therefore, the knowledge of water is one of the major arts and a major challenge, which today stands before Man.

Code de Vino

Moko maoriResearcher

For some people, the tattoo is an ornament, for others, a symbol carrying information about the man's life. For the Maori, who are living in the southern part of Oceania, the tattoos are a way of communication with the world. This element of the Maori culture is not applicable or decorative, but fundamental.


Hawaiian alchemyResearcher

The Hawaiian alchemy is the embodiment of the secrets of the North-Polynesian culture. This is its top, because on the territories of the Hawaiian Islands are the most active mountain volcanoes in the world. The erupting lava from them did not only create the islands, but also became the basis of the fiery culture of Hawaii.


Scottish CoffeeResearcher

I do not know who, where and when came up with the idea of drinking coffee. But for some time, I have every reason to believe that it was not in the searing Africa, the spicy India, and not in the sunny Brazil, but in the ancient mysterious Scotland. At least, I was convinced by my own experience: they are real experts in true coffee.

ALQUIMIA Travel Code de Vino