Mutants of Today and How to Fight ThemPerson

In the new millennium the theme about the mutants became fashionable as never before - any “film-horror story” cannot do without them, they are used for making gaudy the titles of the most variable publications from scientific journals to daily newspapers, they have even penetrated into the language. However, we can't say that the mass and even elite culture shows some serious interest in the problem of the uncontrolled metamorphosis of Man and all living beings... What are the dangers of such carelessness? What spirit can expect us in a genetically unhealthy body?


Sacred DancePhilosopher

It doesn't take so much for the dance to be born – just a sound and a response of the body to it. It may be the rumble of the African drums, or the rain, hitting the pavement, or it may even be the heartbeat. Nature has endowed each Man with certain rhythms that ask a question, and certain movements that give the answer to it. Their coincidence creates the dance - the dialogue between the body and music, the dialogue between Man and himself or another person, the dialogue with God or the Universe.


Hawaiian alchemyResearcher

The Hawaiian alchemy is the embodiment of the secrets of the North-Polynesian culture. This is its top, because on the territories of the Hawaiian Islands are the most active mountain volcanoes in the world. The erupting lava from them did not only create the islands, but also became the basis of the fiery culture of Hawaii.
